The SIKS Elementary Curriculum is specifically created for our unique students. The curriculum is annually updated to meet our students’ ever-changing needs in an ever-changing world.

The curriculum is well balanced and gives students an opportunity to explore their individual interests and passions and also understand their relationship to the local Vietnamese community and global community. We use a combination of traditional teacher-centered learning and hands-on inquiry-based student-centered learning to engage students of all interests and learning styles. The curriculum is integrated across the different subjects to improve the students’ ability to transfer their learning to other settings.

Students are evaluated on the final tests each term, and also on the quality of their assignments, presentations, participation, and effort.

The English curriculum is based on the American Common Core. The Korean curriculum is based on the Korean Ministry of Education. These subjects are the building blocks of successful education in junior high and high school.


The math curriculum involves numbers, operations, time, functions, data, measurement, shape, space, and patterns. There are 5 math classes per week.

Language Arts

The language arts curriculum involves phonics, listening, speaking, reading, grammar, and writing. There are 5-6 language arts classes per week


The science curriculum involves life science, earth science, and physical science. There are 3 science classes per week.

Korean Language

SIKS초등학교에서는 영어중심교육을 실시함과 동시에 모국어 교육의 중요성을 인정함으로 대한민국의 국어과 교과서 중심으로해서 국어 교육을 의무적으로 실시하고 있습니다. 국어과 수업시간은 매일 한 시간 씩 일주일에 총 5시간으로 이루어져 있습니다. 영어중심학습을 통해 아이들로 하여금 국제적인 의사소통 능력을 지니게 함과 동시에 국어 학습을 통해 기본적이고 체계적인 지식을 익혀 한국인으로서의 정체성과 자부심 및 긍지를 가지게 함을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 

Social Studies

The social studies curriculum involves identity, family, community, responsibilities, citizenship, culture, government, geography, continuity, and history. There are 3 social studies classes per week.


The health curriculum involves the human body, food, activity, safety, illness, medicine, and social emotional well-being. There is 1 health classes per week.

The Arts

The art curriculum involves using a variety of medians for creating, presenting, responding, and connecting to artistic projects. Projects include crafts, song, dance, photograpy, dramas, drawing, painting, and sculpture. There are 2-3 art classes per week.

Physical Education

The physical education curriculum involves locomotor, stability, and manipulative skills along with sportsmanship and teamwork. Students practice soccer, handball, dodgeball, basketball, kickball, volleyball, badminton, and baseball. There are 2 physical education classes per week.


The Vietnamese curriculum involves speaking, reading, grammar, vocabulary, and writing. There are 1-2 Vietnamese classes per week.



The music curriculum involves singing, instruments and dance. There is 1 music class per week.

Moral Education

The moral education curriculum involves traditional family values and beliefs and builds strong personal character traits. There is 1 moral education class per week.


The computer curriculum involves basic computer function, typing, programing, coding, apps used for remote learning, and other functions. There is 1 computer class per week.