Elementary ASP
SIKS Elementary offers a wide range of age appropriate, extra-curricular activities that will appeal to students’ interests. The ASP encourages a balanced approach to improving academic, physical, social, and psychological development. The ASP allows students to participate in an activity they are passionate about or reinforce their studies in school.
All programs are designed by SIKS teachers to create a fun and dynamic learning environment. All students will have the opportunity to join the ASP of their choice at the beginning of each term.
- September 17 – December 13
- 3:00-3:50
- $10 per student per class
- $20 ASP Material fee

English Language
Monday and Wednesday
Grades 1 – 6
Improve your speaking, reading, writing, and vocabulary in ASP English. There is a class for all levels of ability.

Monday and Wednesday
Grades 1 – 2
The class will focus on a variety of activities that not only promote great exercise but also help children develop new skills and enhance teamwork. My goal is to create a positive environment where kids can enjoy sports while learning the fundamentals.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Grades 3 – 6
The students will learn the basic rules of soccer and essential skills such as dribbling, passing, shooting, and defending and teamwork. We’ll introduce small-sided games and skill challenges to make learning engaging. So, grab your soccer gear and let’s have some fun on the field!

Monday and Wednesday
Grades 3 – 6
Learn the basic skills of basketball with your friends. ASP basketball will focus on dribbling, passing, shooting, teamwork, and fun! Offensive and defensive strategies will also be covered. Let’s learn about basketball together!

Grades 1 – 2
Join Dance ASP and get ready to move and groove! This program is designed for young learners who love to dance and have fun. You’ll learn exciting dance steps, improve your coordination, and explore different styles of dance. Come join us to make new friends, stay active, and express yourself through the joy of dance!
Grades 3 – 6
Dive into the exhilarating world of dance! Join our vibrant classes to unleash your creativity, build confidence, and make unforgettable memories through movement and music.

Tuesday and Thursday
Grades 2 – 3
Students will have the opportunity to explore various hands-on projects that encourage creativity and critical thinking. They will engage in activities ranging from building simple machines to competitive projects. We aim to foster a love for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics in an enjoyable environment.
Grades 4 – 6
STEM will be centered around critical thinking and creativity this term. Students will construct, collaborate and have fun! We will focus on challenging students in fun and exciting ways, by designing projects that solve everyday problems.

Tuesday and Thursday
Grades 1 – 3
A great class to let your creativity flow. Students will create crafts and art works improving fine motor skills, originality and expressiveness.
Grades 4 – 6
In this exciting and interactive class, students get to create various types of art. It will be a space for students to have fun and unleash their creativity and imagination.

Tuesday and Thursday
Grades 3 – 6
Join Drama ASP and unleash your creativity! In this exciting program, you’ll have the chance to act, learn new drama techniques, and work together to create an unforgettable play. At the end of the term, you’ll perform on stage for the whole school . Don’t miss out on this fun opportunity to shine and make new friends!

Grades 3 – 6
Beginner – Students will learn the basics of chess and some effective opening strategies. There will be a chess tournament at the end of the term to test our new skills. It’s time to unleash the “Dragon”.
Grades 3 – 6
Advanced – This class is reserved for those students that have taken ASP Chess before. We will be exploring new openings and learning more theory.

Korean History
Grade 4 – 6
Summarizes the Korean Society. Students can learn the basic concepts of Korean politics, economy, culture, and geography. They are going to have basic knowledge about Korean society and become smarter than before.

Grade 2 – 3
Grade 4 – 5
Join our fun and interactive cooking class for young chefs! In this hands-on experience, we will learn basic cooking techniques, kitchen safety, and how to make some of your favorite dishes. Get ready for a tasty adventure!

Grades 2-3
Grades 4-6
Vietnamese ASP will focus on enhancing speaking skills with daily topics along with some activities that can help students get better in using Vietnamese in daily talks.

Grades 4 – 6
Grades 1 – 3
Step into our exciting yoga adventure! Through playful poses and mindfulness, we’ll stretch our bodies and calm our minds. We’ll build balance and flexibility while learning powerful breathing techniques to boost focus. You’ll develop tools to stay calm under pressure and cultivate a positive mindset.

Korean Language
Monday and Wednesday
Grades 1 – 3
<마음이 자라는 그림책 수업>
그림책을 읽으며 질문하고 답하는 과정에서 생각을 키우고, 다양한 독후활동을 통해 감정을 표현하는 방법과 올바른 인성을 기르기 위한 중요한 덕목을 배웁니다.
<생각이 자라는 글쓰기 수업>
재미있게 상상할 수 있는 주제와 관련된 단어를 떠올려 보고, 자유롭게 글을 쓰며 생각을 넓히고 문해력을 향상시킬 수 있습니다.

Grades 1 – 6
ASP math provides additional instruction to many of the topics taught in class, but in a smaller setting with more individual help from the teachers. The It is a great way to get extra practice in math.
Community Service
Community service provides students with the opportunity to help their community, to have a purposeful impact on the lives of the people they serve, and to develop social awareness and responsibility. Such service improves the students’ well-being and development into responsible citizens.
Participation in club and community service activities are mandatory and recorded in the student’s Progress Report.

CCM Band Club
CCM BAND is a club where students learn various instruments and praise together and lead worship at the end of the term.

Calligraphy Club
Calligraphy refers to hand-drawn pictograms and refers to the art of writing beautifully..

Sports Club
The sports club has the following goals. 1. Improve physical strength and relieve stress through sports activities. 2. By engaging in physical activities with club members, you can form bonds and expand interpersonal relationships. 3. It arouses interest and motivation in exercise.

Yoga Club
Yoga, which has a 6,000-year history of mind and body training, is a club where student can correct and maintain energy and blood through abdominal breathing, and learn how to improve their body and mind.

Drone Club
The Drone Club is a dynamic community where enthusiasts come together to explore, innovate, and master the world of drones. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced pilot, our club offers a platform to learn, collaborate, and push the boundaries of drone technology. From hands-on workshops and flying sessions to competitions and aerial photography expeditions, we provide opportunities for members to sharpen their skills and expand their horizons in this exhilarating field. Join us to soar to new heights and discover the endless possibilities of drone technology!

Kindergarten ASP

Korean Basic (한글 초급)
대상: 5, 6세
자음과 모음이 만나 글자가 만들어 지는 원리를 깨우치고 정확한 발음을 익힙니다.

Korean Intermediate(한글 중급)
대상: 6,7세
다양한 낱말을 익히고 쓰기, 리듬감 있게 동화를 읽어봅니다.

Multi-Intelligence Music and Play (다중지능 놀이음악)
대상: 5~7세
음악감상, 노래부르기, 악기연주, 신체활동을 통해 몸으로는 즐거움을, 마음으로는 행복감을 느낍니다.

대상: 5,6세
파닉스 단어조합 원리를 통한 영어 읽기능력 향상과 기초영어회화 학습기반을 다집니다.

Sight Words(사이트 워드)
대상: 6,7세
파닉스 규칙에 벗어나면서 실생활 등장 빈도가 높은 중요단어를 익힙니다.