SIKS provides a positive and nurturing environment that is specifically tailored for our students.
We believe that each individual student has specific needs and goals that need to be met to help them grow academically, socially, and emotionally. We teach the student, not the standard.
We believe there should be a strong relationship between home and school, so the best interest of the student is always met. Traditional family values are very important and we encourage collaboration between parents and teachers.
We believe a well-rounded and balanced education is important to helping create happy and successful students that become lifelong learners and creative problem solvers with a growth mindset.
We believe all students should respect themselves, their parents, their peers, teachers, and traditional family values.
We believe all students have a responsibility to themselves and their family to be a hardworking and productive member of the community.
We believe all students are born with incredible creativity that must be nourished and allowed to grow throughout all areas of school life.
We believe all students, families, and staff of SIKS are part of a community that will succeed and flourish only when we work together.
We believe that a student should wake up every day and be happy to come to school to meet their teachers and friends, and every student should go home feeling good about themselves and our school.

Learning must be fun
We believe that a student should wake up every day and be happy to come to school to meet their teachers and friends, and every student should go home feeling good about themselves and our school.
Learning is a responsibility
We believe all students have a responsibility to themselves and their family to be a hardworking and productive member of the community.
Learning is different for everyone
We believe that each individual student has specific needs and goals that need to be met to help them grow academically, socially, and emotionally. We teach the student, not the standard.

Learning shows respect
We believe all students should respect themselves, their parents, their peers, teachers, and traditional family values.
Learning is all about creativity
We believe all students are born with incredible creativity that must be nourished and allowed to grow throughout all areas of school life.
Learning involves the whole community
We believe all students, families, and staff of SIKS are part of a community that will succeed and flourish only when we work together.